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Imagine Your Child Missed School. Every. Single. Month.

Millions of girls miss school each month because they don’t have access to sanitary products.

West Pack Lifestyle proudly supports the Imbumba Foundation’s Caring For Girls initiative. The foundation helps girls stay in school by providing these essential sanitary products. Donate R10 to buy a pack of sanitary pads to keep a girl child in school, and West Pack will match your donation.

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The Imbumba Foundation’s Caring4Girls Programme was founded in response to the harsh reality that millions of girls in South Africa miss a significant number of school days and others drop out completely, due to lack of access to adequate sanitary protection and corresponding reproductive health education. The programme aims to give a voice to young girls, instill dignity and foster confidence.

The programme was started in 2012 after Imbumba founder, Richard Mabaso, overhead a fearful conversation between his mom and niece about menstruation, which to this day is deemed taboo by many societies. Realising that this fear and lack of understanding existed, even within his own family, Richard initiated the Caring4Girls programme to address the problem on a national scale.

Caring4Girls, has over the last decade, taken a three-prong programmatic approach to supporting girls:

* Creating and promoting menstrual health, hygiene and puberty education.

* Providing menstrual hygiene products to vulnerable and indigent girls.

* Leading government policy and advocacy.

At present, the Foundation supports over one million Caring4Girls beneficiaries throughout South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, eSwatini and Tanzania.


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